Military Recruits: The Perfect Mate?


I've been noticing a pattern lately. Over the past few days, I have encountered several women whom each of them had an ex-boyfriend who was in the Armed Forces.

All three of them basically said the same things:

1. They had to "lower" their standards for them.
2. They were very aggressive and often showed signs of cheating or possible adultery.
3. Their relationships were short (none went on for more than a few years)
etc, etc, etc...

I could certainly believe this, as the men I encountered and talked to during basic training were mostly older males, and often total meat-heads/dick-heads that were just in it for benefits of some sort.

And I am certainly not the first or only person to suggest that signing your life away for a shitty nation that no longer values you, never valued you, and will most likely still not value you after serving your time, is not necessarily a great idea either.

Though it's easy to sit here and blame the men for just being natural assholes, and only having their assholery enhanced from the trials, tribulations, and traumas of serving in the Armed Forces, one must remember that it takes two to tango.

On the flipside, I noticed some things that all the women had in common themselves:

1. They all either had multiple tattoos, or various colors and dyes in their hair (making them look somewhat skankish from the get go).
2. They were all in their early-mid 20's.
3. Their overall intelligence (at least as far as I could tell from conversing with them) were barely average, if not less.
4. They each had a slight to mildly significant "tomboy-ish" streak.
5. They were all white, and American.

So we basically have a bunch of meat/dickheads, who are supposed to be "the best and brightest America has to offer" choosing a few of the already overflowing and copious amounts of skanks and whores our society has to offer.

Supposed to be the "Nation's Best", right?
Then again, being considered "the best" in a nation of shit isn't really something to be proud, I suppose...



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