Back on the Saddle

OKAY. I do believe I have acquired a somewhat stable living condition. I should be able to actually update this place more frequently now.

It was a hell of a ride though. It'll be nice to be able to vent here again.

Military Recruits: The Perfect Mate?


I've been noticing a pattern lately. Over the past few days, I have encountered several women whom each of them had an ex-boyfriend who was in the Armed Forces.

All three of them basically said the same things:

1. They had to "lower" their standards for them.
2. They were very aggressive and often showed signs of cheating or possible adultery.
3. Their relationships were short (none went on for more than a few years)
etc, etc, etc...

I could certainly believe this, as the men I encountered and talked to during basic training were mostly older males, and often total meat-heads/dick-heads that were just in it for benefits of some sort.

And I am certainly not the first or only person to suggest that signing your life away for a shitty nation that no longer values you, never valued you, and will most likely still not value you after serving your time, is not necessarily a great idea either.

Though it's easy to sit here and blame the men for just being natural assholes, and only having their assholery enhanced from the trials, tribulations, and traumas of serving in the Armed Forces, one must remember that it takes two to tango.

On the flipside, I noticed some things that all the women had in common themselves:

1. They all either had multiple tattoos, or various colors and dyes in their hair (making them look somewhat skankish from the get go).
2. They were all in their early-mid 20's.
3. Their overall intelligence (at least as far as I could tell from conversing with them) were barely average, if not less.
4. They each had a slight to mildly significant "tomboy-ish" streak.
5. They were all white, and American.

So we basically have a bunch of meat/dickheads, who are supposed to be "the best and brightest America has to offer" choosing a few of the already overflowing and copious amounts of skanks and whores our society has to offer.

Supposed to be the "Nation's Best", right?
Then again, being considered "the best" in a nation of shit isn't really something to be proud, I suppose...


The Difference Between Boys and Girls


I had a conversation with an attractive (at least by my standards) woman earlier today. Here's what is probably the defining segment, one that defines nearly all of my interactions with the opposite sex:

Welp, Ill just drop the subject now then, as to prevent being anymore nosy.
It's okay, you're good.
Really? Its hard to tell. Your answers to my inquiries are short, almost as if you dont wish to talk anymore.
I do not wish to be a bother.
I wasn't trying to be rude about it. I was just saying...
Is it a bad thing that a lot of the women I prefer have a slightly "tomboyish" look to them?
I cant tell whether I should be worried about that or not.
I have that kind of attitude. I was like that in High School.
Awesome! I've felt that tomboyish-ness always gave girls a pleasant, down to earth sort of je ne sais quoi.
You think so?
Yep! Well, except for when they're mad at you for something, and wish to fight. Then it sucks, 'cuz I can't really do much of anything, them being a female and all.
As long as you stay on my good side, you're fine.
I actually have a hard time getting on anyones bad side. I pride myself in being a hell of a mediator.
I have also noticed that a halfway decent looking tomboy often has a better chance at finding lovers than some of their more feminine counterparts
Mostly because they tend to be more aggressive and direct, which ultimatelty makes them more active in finding a mate.
Sounds a lot like me...
Haha! I should be some kind of social scientist or something.
Awesome! -giggles-
If I could have any wish, it would be to be able to see things as God does. Even if just for a day.
It must be indefinitely amusing watching all of us people live out our lives.
Yeah, that's true...
If you could have a wish, anything at all, what would it be?
To be a model.
Wow, thats interesting. I never would have guessed.
Is that a good or bad thing?
Oh no, its not bad! Slightly narcissistic, but then, pretty much all people have some degree of narcissism, and most would probably wish for something way worse.
It's better than being a Porn Star.
Porn stars probably aren't that bad. They are people to.
And without them we would not have any good porn to choose from!
Now that I'm reflecting on it, it's not too surprising that I can never get past the conversation phase with women.

"This is what I want - to - BE! 
'Cuz it's all - about - ME - ME ME!"

Mimicry is the (in)Sincerest Form of Flattery?


I can't really tell if that's a good thing or bad thing in this particular case.

My little stepbrother was watching television earlier today when he happened to come across the "Jewish Telivision Network" (or "jtn" for short).

They were currently showing a bunch of  music videos, all done by Jewish singers and stars. It was rather comical, seeing Jewish people, a people universally infamous for their stodginess and frugality, trying to imitate the usual Disney Channel productions.

Except they didn't even really do a particularly good job of it. It was so cheap and cheesy, I honestly thought it was a parody. Bad editing, bad lighting, bad lyrics, bad stage acts, all of it. Hell, even the shit that regularly shows up on the Disney Channel at least throws in a bunch of hilariously bad autotune and glitter effects to make it fun to laugh at.

I think the epitome was reached when they had some boy band (whose name I cannot remember) up on stage, and showed clips of them doing gigs for various weddings and backyard birthday parties, all the while doing some half-rehearsed "musical chairs" act.

It was as hilarious as it was sad.

Why was it sad? Well, aside from the poor production values, my little brother commented that "These are Jewish people! They belong in the office or church! They should be making business decisions and being all honest and good and stuff!"

His perception is admittedly a little narrow minded (him being only 13 years old and all), and though his statement is obviously over-simplified and drenched in stereotype, it made me think.

Why would they want to imitate the American "culture" (or should I say lack there of)? I can not for the life of me understand why ANY other culture would want to be like the American "culture". Yeah, it's kinda neat that everyone refers to you as "The First World", but it's obviously a load of shit.

I would give up all this in a heartbeat to be able to live in a foreign country or culture that at celebrated or at least welcomed social interactions and community.

I think a lot of people here in the States would, actually...

Unless you're a young, poor guy like me! Then the best you can hope for is that when the "ship" finally does "sink" that you'll either be able to hide from it all or effectively join the ranks of the revolt.

Crank Dat Kosha Boy!

Unwanted Celibacy


Anyone who somewhat frequently visits the "Man-O-Sphere" (or damn near any significant part of the internet really) has probably noted the huge imbalance in today's sexual market (with some places being more obvious indicators than others). Hell, just considering how anti-male and feminist our current society is should be a huge clue.

One thing I often wonder, and sometimes even worry about, whenever I'm out and about and I see other men (especially the younger ones) going about their lives:

How do they deal with it all?

The person you see walking in front of you and what they're really thinking about and feeling are often times completely different.

I see some guys who are confused about their sexuality, and adopt a slightly "effete" appearance or manner of dress, but still love to talk about video games or sports and whatnot. I see other guys who just seem to have a naturally distant, down-turned smile and expression. Their voices monotone, and enthusiasm depleted. But they too feel a spark if a conversation engages them so. Then I see other guys who are, unfortunately, very obviously having a hard time. Their manner of dress, mannerisms, and overall attitude just seems to exude a sort of "I no longer give a fuck. Please excuse me." aura of negativity and desperateness.

I was at a sort of "meet and greet" event down at the local YMCA earlier today. It was nice enough. Some good people, ice cream, and interesting conversations to be had. But there was one person there that stood out to me.

He was, you could say, "transparently homosexual", but not necessarily in a flamboyant way. It was masked in an aura of sadness, and despair. He tried to come across as fun, and cheerful, but it was obvious (at least to me) that there was something more underneath.

I think he was attracted to me. Which both disgusts and saddens me. Hell no, I'm not gay. But it got me thinking:

Just imagine if only things were better right now, If we didn't live in a completely post-Feminist and misogynistic society. We both probably would have been out screwing some hot babes instead, and gone on to accomplish whatever awesomeness we wanted.

But no, instead, we're here. Chatting ever so hopelessly to try and temporarily escape the much more painful reality.

With this in mind, it should be no surprise that suicide rates for men are up the wazoo these days.

There is a great amount of anger and writhing among the male half of these present generations. I honestly wish I had the time and resources to talk with them all, and document their stories. Maybe even publish them, and clearly show the world what they are thinking and going through.

I'm practically wishing to be God here, I guess. I think it would be awesome though.

To be honest, I don't even know how I get through it all. Being a naturally red-blooded, energetic young male, I get "the craving" a lot. I mean A LOT.

But alas, there is not much I can do about it. I personally find most pornography to be gross, and I don't much enjoy masturbating. I also have almost no luck or fortune when dealing with the opposite sex, able to get nothing more than a decent conversation and some good laughs out of them.

There are days where I "crave the love" so bad I feel like I'm about to explode. I get extremely energetic, irritable, I can't sit still, can't focus, and I'm near impossible to talk to.

Then I have a few days where I won't think about it at all. I'm calmer, more analytical, and generally more productive. At least until I get some slight reminder of my "sexual situation", and then the tirade begins again.

Ah well. It could be worse. I could be pissed off about my lack of sex AND have little to no understanding as to why. I think I would just be another "statistic" on the suicide charts if that were the case.

(P.S. This was the original picture, but I decided to change it to the image at the top of the post in order to more accurately portray the subject matter. Plus, hos know that all they have to do to get some lovin' is flash their goods, and they're good to go.)

Your Place on the Greek Alphabet

This is another one of those "game" related things that I often ponder about.

The whole "Alpha, Beta, Omega" categorizing is very interesting to me, if for somewhat different reasons than most.

People always seem to want to put everything into some kind of category, to file it away in an imaginary cabinet, so as to be able to keep track of everything more efficiently. It's as if everyone is suffering from a mild case of OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder) or something.

This of course extends beyond "game" and into realms such as politics. Another odd choice for stark categorization of its people.

My question is:

Why must something as ever changing, complicated, and advanced as human beings be subject to such stark and simplified terms and categories?

Just because someone is a construction worker doesn't mean that they might not like to play video games in their spare time. Just because someone is a conservative doesn't mean they can't have some liberal views. Just because someone is a beta does not mean that they are nothing more than a passive babe, sucking yearnfully at it's mother's teet.

I don't even know if most people even think about that stuff outside of those websites. I've never walked past a small group of women and hear them murmur "Ooh, look. There's an Omega for you, Cathy."

I think this for 2 reasons:

A) Social interactions are usually way too emotional, uncontrolled, and ephimeral to be worrying about such categorizations while they are occurring.


B) Most of the "A-B-O" (Alpha, Beta, Omega) speak is junk.

I personally believe that it is mostly junk due to the observation that your "place" on the "hiearchy" has more to do with your "success" (a.k.a. financial situation) than your actual person.

Oh sure, dressing right and being somewhat socially adept helps, and money alone can't solve all your problems money alone can't solve all your problems, but there is no doubt that moolah is the single biggest factor in pulling in quality tail.

Which begs the question:

Why is our status tied directly to the amount of funds we possess? How does one aquire such funds? Is this our way of defining each other?

Yep, I'm pretty much declaring that the biggest difference between "Alpha", "Beta", and "Omega" males is, more or less, nothing more than money.

It seems awfully fucked up that people like to define eachother by their "success"(a.k.a. how much money you have and how you obtained it), when we currently live in a system that so transparently gives its money to the undeserving whilst telling everyone who wasn't born "lucky" to fuck off.

But alas, that is what we currently live in. It's not too surprising that my generation has more or less decided to not participate in it at all.

But then again, I'm just another young male, part of a generation forever branded as Omega before even getting a chance to prove themselves. Then again, I personally think the word "Omega" sounds way cooler and more badass than the other dorky letters.

I am Omega Man!

Why does Sex have to be a Game?

This may come as a complete surprise to some, but I, as a young, red blooded male, do not seem to have very much luck with women. Or, more specifically, I do not seem to have much luck actually obtaining sex.

Oh sure, I can attract homosexuals and 14-17 year old girls, but as I am neither homosexual or interested in going to jail, these don't do much for me.

Unsurprisingly, I have looked into "Game", and even read quite a bit into the whole "PUA" scene. Some live by it, others despise and derail it, whilst a few "industry professionals" make some big bucks on the whole ordeal.

I'm not really centering this post on whether or not "Game" is real, or if and/or how it works, as plenty of other sites and blogs do a pretty good job of that.

I'm actually more interested in questioning why it even has to exist in the first place. Basically my question is this:

Why does something as important and universally influential as "love" and "mating" have to be reduced to a "game"?

As I look through sites such as Roissy and Roosh V, which both contain plenty of very good insights, I might add, I have to wonder if it's all even worth it.

The entire social construct of our civilization seems to have mutated into some form of bizarre, zero-sum minded game of tug-o-war. Whenever I go out, I see people absorbed into their cyberworlds via iPod, cellphone, or [insert name of overpriced gadget here]. Or they're zooming by in a vehicle or just plain completely unreceptive to any type of social inquiry. Even on the internet most people seem to think that socializing is just another means of gaining something, or manipulating someone.

And, obviously, this mode of thinking has worked its way into even one of our most intimate activities: mating.

It's all just a big game now. A bunch of fake people competing against each other in fake "imaginary" contests to see who can be the most deciptively fake of all, and thus garner people's fake affection and attention.

Okay, maybe the guidos are a bit of an extreme example, but my point remains.

Obviously, I don't believe that the guys telling you to buy into the books, DVD's, seminars, and what not on "official" game is worthwhile. But the guys on the other side who are telling you to "get your act together and act upright" aren't really saying anything new either.

"Work your job, conform to the society around you, and you'll be fine."

 As if there aren't enough examples of "regular joes" who've "got their act together" being forever branded as a "nice guy" or "friend-zoned."

Honestly, it's all just another way of pedestalizing women.  As if that doesn't happen enough.

If it isn't a "beta" male throwing money and flowers at her, its an "alpha" male using his time to chase tail. All just different versions of the same thing. Or just one of us "omegas" standing on the sidelines wondering what the hell everyone's problem is.

No thank you. I would rather just play my musical instrument of choice, travel, meet people, and have as much fun as I can in this god forsaken dystopia before I die. Whether sex comes my way or not, I no longer really care.

Statuatory Rape: False Pedophilia

I never understood this way of thinking. People love to look down on all those "icky nasty perverts" that feel at all aroused or mildly attracted to a developed girl whose I.D. reports their age as being anything at all under 18.

Seriously, look at the girl in that demotivational poster. Does she look like a "little girl"? Does she look at all "naive" or "unaware" of her "biological advantage"? FUCK NO. She's probably riding that gravy train all the way to Koolsville, baby. Chances are she's sleeping with somebody. Probably not you, or me, but someone somewhere is tapping that freshness.

No, THIS is a little girl that should probably be protected and cared for:

God, I feel like a pedophile just putting that up here. But it helps me make a point.

I find it interesting that on various websites and forums that discuss "statuatory rape", many like to say that "age is not just a number", which seems to imply that they understand that life, and especially people, are incredibly complex and cannot and should not ever be judged by such starkly rigid and categorical rules.

Then again, we live in a post-Feminist society, where keeping the average male in a sexual cage whilst letting the females run amuck is the norm, and is often even celebrated.

Nevermind the fact that men do all the work and, as such, should probably be getting rewarded for it. Nevermind the other fact that women have been pampered and spoiled and protected ever since time began. Everything's been working great so far, right?

Lets just keep on chuggin' along.

The Purpose of all This

Here is where I hope to help spread awareness on what the somewhat younger members of the internet audience think and feel on various issues, whether they be politics, current events, etc, etc.

Hopefully SOMETHING good and/or interesting will emerge from all this.